Editors Note: We have been contacted by a representative of Spring Branch Independent School District and asked to share this information with our readership. Upon review, the membership of Save SBISD unanimously agreed this was an important use of our reach. The information contained here is from the District, and has not been independently verified by Save SBISD.
Earlier this afternoon, SBISD Superintendent Jennifer Blaine, Board President Chris Earnest, and Vice-President Lisa Alpe sent the attached letter to members of the SBISD community.
The letter paints a "dire" picture of the financial solvency for SBISD in 2024.
SBISD leadership lays the responsibility for this impending solvency crisis at the feet of statewide elected officials, saying "...our elected officials have made it clear they neither value nor care about public education, or the students, families and communities we serve."
The district goes on to describe the Legislature's proposed, trivial increases to education funding as "insulting", and adds "public school districts like SBISD are being set up to fail".
According to a recent Facebook post by SBISD Trustee Lisa Alpe, the issue stems from inaction by the State to give the district relief from a confiscatory $88,000,000 payment from the district to the State known as a "recapture" payment. This loss of local funds to the State will cause the district to incur a deficit of $50,000,000 according to Ms. Alpe's Facebook post. The district describes this deficit as "disastrous".
In order to close that gap, the district lists in its letter the following measures it must consider to balance the budget:
Combine schools/change boundaries
Change staffing models, including class sizes
Eliminate 10-20% of SBISD staff
Remove the 20% local optional homestead exemption
Discontinue the block schedule model for Stratford High School
Reduce programming and/or institute pay-to-play models for athletics, performing and visual arts
Discontinue choice and specialized programs
Cut safety and security, counseling and mental health services
Cut centralized instructional supports, including but not limited to, interventions, Dyslexia services, and college and career counseling
Cut business and operations functions that support the district’s safety, security and fiscal management
Raise the tax rate
We do not believe we are editorializing when we describe these forced measures as cripplingly extreme for a high-quality school district like SBISD.
Save SBISD reached out to Mr. Earnest and Ms. Alpe for additional comment on the looming financial crisis.
President Earnest responded, "We have tried to plead with our legislators and none seem willing to be our champion in Austin. Recapture is literally crippling our district. Payment of... up to $87,000,000 due next year creates a scenario where we have a shortfall of $50,000,000."
President Earnest added "We owe it to our students to do everything we can to fight for that money. Even if it means possible legal action against the state or what was once unthinkable - refusing to pay and daring the state to “come and take” our money. It’s come to that."
Vice-President Lisa Alpe commented:
“I am deeply concerned about recapture’s effect on our district in the coming school year. We are looking at having to cut $50 million from our budget which will potentially affect not only the quality of instruction our students receive but also the safety and security of our children."
Ms. Alpe went on to say, "SBISD is a very unique district- one of only two in the entire state of Texas that are subject to the injustice of the enormous recapture payment, but also having 59% of our student population that is socio-economically disadvantaged. The plain facts are that these students cost more to educate as they face different learning needs. Unfortunately, our plight has fallen on deaf ears in Austin."
Ms. Alpe closed her comment with a call to action, saying "Our community needs to mobilize immediately. Gov. Abbott, everyone on the Public Education Committee and our local representatives need to hear from us every single day until they provide a fair solution. If they do not, SBISD will be looking at all of our legal options. I will never stop fighting for the children of this community.”
The letter closes by asking SBISD stakeholders to contact their elected officials in Austin, to help the district receive some relief. It lists contact information as:
State Senators representing SBISD
Paul Bettencourt, Texas Senator @TeamBettencourt Paul.Bettencourt@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0107
Joan Huffman, Texas Senator @joanhuffman joan.huffman@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0117
John Whitmire, Texas Senator @whitmire_john john.whitmire@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0115
House Representatives representing SBISD
Mano DeAyala, Texas State Rep. @manoforstaterep mano.deayala@house.texas.gov 512-463-0514
Lacey Hull, Texas State Rep. @laceyhulltx lacey.hull@house.texas.gov 512-463-0727
Penny Shaw, Texas State Rep. @reppennymshaw penny.moralesshaw@house.texas.gov 512-463-0620
Brandon Creighton, Chair brandon.creighton@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0104
Donna Campbell, Vice-Chair donna.campbell@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0125
Paul Bettencourt, Member Paul.Bettencourt@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0107
Brian Birdwell, Member Brian.Birdwell@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0122
Pete Flores, Member peter.flores@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0124
Phil King, Member phil.king@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0110
Morgan LaMantia, Member morgan.lamantia@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0127
José Menéndez, Member jose.menendez@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0126
Mayes Middleton, Member mayes.middleton@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0111
Tan Parker, Member tan.parker@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0112
Angela Paxton, Member angela.paxton@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0108
Drew Springer, Member Drew.Springer@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0130
Royce West, Member royce.west@senate.texas.gov 512-463-0123
Brad Buckley, Chair brad.buckley@house.texas.gov 512-463-0684
Alma Allen, Vice-Chair alma.allen@house.texas.gov 512-463-0744
Steve Allison steve.allison@house.texas.gov 512-463-0686
Charles Cunningham charles.cunningham@house.texas.gov 512-463-0520
Harold Dutton harold.dutton@house.texas.gov 512-463-0510
Cody Harris cody.harris@house.texas.gov 512-463-0730
Brian Harrison brian.harrison@house.texas.gov 512-463-0516
Cole Hefner cole.hefner@house.texas.gov 512-463-0271
Gina Hinojosa gina.hinojosa@house.texas.gov 512-463-0668
Ken King ken.king@house.texas.gov 512-463-0736
Oscar Longoria oscar.longoria@house.texas.gov 512-463-0645
Matt Schaefer matt.schaefer@house.texas.gov 512-463-0584
James Talarico james.talarico@house.texas.gov 512-463-0821
A copy of the letter is attached below.
