Districts Die In Darkness.
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More information has emerged about the George Soros linked Families 4 Every Child PAC, a pro-SMD political action committee operating in SBISD which is supporting candidates Carter Breed, Ed Kaczinski, and David Slattery. Families 4 Every Child PAC is no longer a conceptual threat; new information shows it is a clear and present danger that has already penetrated our school board at its highest level: the presidency.
After Save SBISD first updated you on this PAC and its endorsements, the Houston Chronicle published an article naming one of the PAC's directors, a woman named Nathalie Herpin.

Another founder of Families 4 Every Child PAC is a woman named Nadia Alarakhia, who announced her involvement with the PAC on her Facebook page on March 10th.

Ms. Alarakhia (nee Mitha) was raised in Lakeland, Florida, and is the daughter of Amin Mitha, according to public records. Amin Mitha is on the board of directors of Emgage, a political organization funded by George Soros' Open Society Foundations.
Mr. Mitha was the founding contributor to Families 4 Every Child PAC, making its seed donation on February 24, 2022, from his home of Lakeland, Florida..
Ms. Alarakhia is also an agent for various other family interests of the Mitha's, according to those same public records.
In addition to her father's board-level involvement at Soros-funded Emgage, Nadia Alarakhia was herself on Soros' payroll as a Director of Emgage, according to their own blue-checked Facebook Page:

Now, Ms. Alarakhia has asserted herself as a founder and leader of Families 4 Every Child PAC, right here in SBISD.
"So what?" you may wonder. Well, there are two so, what's.
First, this new information reveals more than just dark, distant money flowing into Families 4 Every Child PAC. It is now clear that these monies have an operating role at the pro-SMD PAC as well.
Said another way, there is now Soros-connected discretion within our district boundaries choosing exactly how this money is used, to its greatest possible pro-SMD effect. This is a far different situation than cross-country financial support alone, and one that concerns us even more than before.
Second, and even more concerning than a local Soros agent, is the degree to which this influence has already penetrated our board of trustees. The whole thing seems to be unfolding past dark money and more toward shadow governance.
In addition to her role at Emgage and her leadership of Families 4 Every Child PAC, Nadia Alarakhia is employed (literally) right alongside Board of Trustees President Chris Gonzalez at their firm, Mango Strategies, a "fundraising and advocacy" concern:

Chris Gonzales, President of the SBISD school board, founded Mango Strategies on April 16, 2021, almost exactly the day that it became readily apparent that a seminal election was about to happen in SBISD last year.
Within weeks of founding this fundraising and advocacy firm, Ms. Gonzalez's endorsed candidate in that 2021 race, Virginia Elizondo, lost at the polls.
Ms. Elizondo then promptly sued the district in federal court alleging all sorts of nonsense about our wonderful school district, and is attempting to disenfranchise the 80,000 voters who chose not to elect her through her legal efforts.
President Gonzalez did not object one bit to the premise of that lawsuit in any of her subsequent public remarks, despite desperate calls from the public for her to do so.
But this is not just simply a matter of Chris Gonzalez choosing to partner with Nadia Alarakhia on a professional basis at Mango Strategies.
Ms. Gonzalez and Ms. Alarakhia seem to be two peas in a pod, as Nadia has, in turn, recruited Chris to partner with her politically.
SBISD School Board President Chris Gonzalez was present at the pro-SMD Families 4 Every Child PAC's event last weekend, where the PAC endorsed Carter Breed, Ed Kaczinski, and David Slattery:

President Gonzalez was working the event, handing out literature and campaign materials, for over two hours.
It is unclear what the balance of power is between President Gonzalez and Nadia Alarakhia. On the one hand, it seems President Gonzalez is Nadia's boss, professionally. On the other hand, it seems as though Nadia is Chris Gonzalez's Boss, politically.
Regardless of who holds the upper hand, there is clearly a mutually-beneficial relationship between the two, both professionally and politically. That is now beyond question.
Nadia Alarakhia could have found any number of pro-SMD citizens to help advance their PAC's cause. She chose President Gonzalez, who clearly agreed, and labours with enthusiasm.
Chris Gonzalez could have chosen from an effectively infinite list of 'Digital Consultants'** to partner with at Mango Strategies. She chose Nadia, the politically savvy former employee of George Soros, and daughter of one of Soros' biggest beneficiaries.
Save SBISD reached out to Chris Gonzalez yesterday asking her to offer comment on the nature of her relationship with Ms. Alarakhia. We followed up on that request this morning.
Ms. Gonzalez, founder of a firm that touts its responsiveness as news breaks, did not respond to Save SBISD's repeated requests for comment.
We will never be able to completely untangle this Gordian knot. It must now simply be cut.
We have already concluded that the board needs three new trustees elected this May. Unfortunately, Chris Gonzalez will remain on the board until 2023 when her term is up.
What can change, however, is Ms. Gonzalez's role as President of the SBISD Board of Trustees. She needs to be replaced as soon as possible, and in no event later than May 2022, when a new board of trustees will be sworn in.
These opaque dealings have no place in effective governance in our beloved school district.
**Author's note:
Can someone please explain to me what on God's green earth a 'digital content director' is? That sounds like a made-up fake job, to be completely honest.
Is that just a fancy title for "I post a bunch of non-constructive content on Instagram & TikTok"? We're thinking that's it, in a nutshell.
This is precisely the type of job that cannot even exist unless some guy like Soros, or, say, a governmental entity like a school district, is paying their salary with other people's money. The normal free market doesn't demand these types of people.
Look at Mango Strategies list of clients:

How can Spring Branch ISD achieve its long-held goal of T-2-4 career and technical education excellence, when its leadership and the political powers that be are themselves unemployable in any technical or economically viable career in a free market?
I digress, but this is important food for thought, outside the scope of our governance work here at Save SBISD.
As a separate note, we would like to thank one of our long-time readers for providing us with information critical to completing this update. As we have said before, we cannot do this alone.
Unbelievably, there still remains more to this story, and Save SBISD will have more updates coming.
Please help recruit others to the cause by SHARING THIS UPDATE on social media. Districts Die in Darkness.
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